Thursday, June 19, 2014

Bath now: NL then. New research post, and remembering travels from the past

I am now an Associate Professor at the University of Bath (AKA Senior Lecturer in Psychology), and have been for nearly two years. My time in the UK has flown by! I've learned more about research assessment, funding agency minutiae, and how "tenure" works here than I ever wanted to know. That is all tempered by the research and teaching I have been doing, and that has been incredible.  Here is a summary of a piece of that work in a recent TEDx talk I gave:

How well do you see what you hear?

You can find out more about my research, with other videos from BBC's The One Show, BBC News, Reuters.... And if you have any questions, please get in touch.

Why am I posting again? I was telling a story about a trip I took a few years ago to The Netherlands (Hup Hup Holland! Maybe the World Cup brought it to mind?), and it dawned on me that I had written it up on this blog. I read it again -- and still a great story.
